Tuesday, September 18, 2012

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The legend of the beginning of ayurvedic medicine is hottest style pink ugg australia boots sale that the one creator, Brahma, taught the theories and practices to one of the animal lords, who taught it to the Asvins-the divine twins.

They taught this to the chief of the shining ones, called Indra. These were the deities of ancient verdict times.

As mankind fell victim and suffered from ailments and disease the wise men went to Indra and were taught the ancient remedies and healing cures.

This is the knowledge of medicine, which is divided into 8 separate hottest style pink ugg australia boots sale branches of the divine tree.

Kaya chikitsa is the medicine of the internal organs and workings of the body;

Baala is the study of the medicine needed in order to heal children;

Urdhvanga is the original study of the ears, nose and throat (as well as dentistry.)

All surgery, including plastic surgery, is called Salya;

The study of toxicology-stemming originally from the poison extracted from bug bites-is Danstra.

The study of what we now know as Alzheimer's and other diseases of the age advanced is called Rasayana

The study of pregnancy and gyneocology is Prasuti;

The study of mental illness and demon possession is the treatment called Graha.

The belief is that there are three elements in /of the body which cause disease. These are called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. We will talk about each one in turn.

Vata: We are all made up of space and air, with some light, water, and earth thrown in. Vata transmits perceptions to the mind and body and maintains the body's natural balance. If this energy which is used to transmit so much of the outside hottest style pink ugg australia boots sale world to our inner selves becomes imbalanced, disease sets in.

Pitta: This is the energy responsible for vision, digestion, heat, hunger and thirst, happiness and intelligence. When this element is out of alignment, it results in depression, weight gain or loss, dehydration, apathy, and digestive problems.

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